elbe team @ GACM 2013
The elbe team will present the latest advances in the field of visualization and fluid-structure interaction at the 5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics (GACM 2013): Monday, 15:20 – 15:40:Nagrelli, Heinrich: GPGPU-accelerated simulation of wave-ship interactions using LBM and a quaternion-based motion modeler Tuesday, 13:30 – 13:50Koliha, Nils: Efficient Grid Generation and On Device Visualization for Massively Parallel GPU Accelerated Lattice Boltzmann CFD Simulations Monday, 18:10, Poster SessionKoliha, Nils: Efficient Grid Generation and On Device Read more…
During my last year at the Institute for Fluiddynamics and Ship Theory at TUHH, I worked on refactoring, extending and combining my previously written GPGPU codes into one single code framework. The result is elbe – the efficient lattice boltzmann environment from Hamburg. It features 1D, 2D and 3D Lattice-Boltzmann kernels for various different physics, from the depth-averaged one-dimensional shallow water equations to three-dimensional multiphase models. elbe has already been used in a couple of Read more…
Testing the new GeForce GTX Titan
We recently tested the new NVIDIA Kepler boards for our GPGPU flow solver elbe. After initial tests on the Kepler K20 boards were very promising and led to speed-up factors of up to 2.5x (without any code modifications), we decided to purchase the new GeForce GTX Titan board to see if the consumer hardware can keep up with the professional boards. This consumer card features 2688 streaming processors, 6 GB device memory and single- and Read more…
ISOPE Abstracts accepted
An improved two-phase Lattice Boltzmann model for high fluid density ratios: application to wave breaking Amir Banari, Christian F. Janßen, Stéphan T. Grilli Dept. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, USA. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of air-sea interaction with a coupled LB-point-particle approach Yackar Mauzole, Christian F. Janßen, Stephan T. Grilli, Tetsu Hara University of Rhode Island, USA. Numerical simulation of long wave propagation and run-up using a Lattice Boltzmann approach on GPGPU hardware Christian F. Read more…
OE Seminar Talk Today!
Ocean Engineering seminar talk today, join me: Modeling of complex free surface flows and wave-structure interactions using the Lattice Boltzman Method, Christian Janssen, PostDoc, Ocean Engineering