elbe team @ GACM 2013

The elbe team will present the latest advances in the field of visualization and fluid-structure interaction at the 5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics (GACM 2013): Monday, 15:20 – 15:40:Nagrelli, Heinrich: GPGPU-accelerated simulation of wave-ship interactions using LBM and a quaternion-based motion modeler Tuesday, 13:30 – 13:50Koliha, Nils: Efficient Grid Read more…


During my last year at the Institute for Fluiddynamics and Ship Theory at TUHH, I worked on refactoring, extending and combining my previously written GPGPU codes into one single code framework. The result is elbe – the efficient lattice boltzmann environment from Hamburg. It features 1D, 2D and 3D Lattice-Boltzmann Read more…

ISOPE Abstracts accepted

An improved two-phase Lattice Boltzmann model for high fluid density ratios: application to wave breaking Amir Banari, Christian F. Janßen, Stéphan T. Grilli Dept. Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island, USA. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of air-sea interaction with a coupled LB-point-particle approach Yackar Mauzole, Christian F. Janßen, Stephan T. Grilli, Read more…